5 you must known cmd tips tricks
CMD ( Command Prompt)
Now if your work revolve around computers like programming
or app development or even when we do simple tasks like Troubleshooting your
internet, or rooting your android then we have to use cmd, in some way or the
other So, here are
5 lesser known cmd
tips tricks that are actually useful
in practical situation. Let’s
get started.
But before this let us know what is cmd in short. CMD full
form is Command prompt. In
windows 10 operating system this application is very powerful but many of us
don’t know about. We can operate whole windows 10 from this powerful
application with the help of many commands
1. How to open CMD,
Now most of you already know How to open a cmd. basically, you type cmd on start menu and
Hit enter or press Win+R to open run box and then type cmd
and hit enter And this will open your command prompt in the current user
Quite basic stuff. Right?

But sometime, you will need to open cmd in different directory. Like say, if you are rooting your android then you will have to open cmd in c drive.
Now you can always use a cd command and navigate to any
but there is quicker way. hold down the shift key and right click on the explorer window then select ‘open cmd
here’ option. And this will open cmd in that current directory.
Or what I like to do is, type cmd in the explorer address
bar and press enter
This will do the same thing. But, do you know you can also
executes the commands directly from windows run box, For instance,
When you want to check if the internet is up or not you open
the cmd and ping a website like google. And if you get a reply this means your
internet is working,
Now for me, I often use this command to check my internet
connectivity or let say you use any other command quite frequently, so for that
you can run the same command directly from run box
by typing cmd /c
followed by the command
like for this instance
cmd /c ping
google.com and hit enter.

So, this will open the cmd, carry out the instruction and close the window
If you keep the windows open then replace /c with /k
I often use it to open multiple programs with cmd without
having to create the .bat file
Overall, this can come in handy, if you know how to use it
2. Schedule a
Now, I know most of you already know about it but still it’s
so useful that it’s worth mentioning again. So let say you are watching a movie
or downloading a large file.. But after some time you start feeling sleepy and
now you would like to schedule a
So how do you do it?
Well, you can always use a software if you want but there is
a build in command as well.
Simply open your cmd and type in
Shutdown -s -t
and it will shutdown your computer in hour. but say, later
you decided to abort or cancel it
then type
shutdown –a
now you can also use this command to schedule a restart by
using different parameter So how do I know which parameter should I use? Well,
you can always type in the command
followed a space and then the keyword help this works for all the commands in cmd.

Overall, I use this shutdown quite a lot when I work at night and make sure my computer automatically turn off once the work is done. And BTW, this command also works in Linux and mac terminal.
3. Find out history
of commands
Usually, when using a command prompt we use the same command
with some modification.
Like say, if I want to check my internet connection then I
will do
ping google.com
Now, say I want to continuously monitor my internet traffic for
that, I will add the -t parameter.
But instead of typing the whole command once again, what I can do is use the up and down arrow key. To see my previous used commands. But, I know most you already know that.
However, this up/down arrow key become tedious if have used
too many commands then you can type doskey
/history and it will list all the commands.
But even then, you have to manually copy them in order to
use them. So instead press f7 key what I like do is that you will be able to
switch between commands and hit enter to execute them
4. How to make cmd window full screen
Sometimes, you need to use cmd in full screen but from
Windows vista onwards, cmd can’t be made full screen due to introduction of
display drivers. Now you can always turn of the display drivers and then made
the cmd full screen. But there is a better way to do that.
Open cmd and type in wmic
short for
(Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC).) and
hit enter.
Now, if you press the resize button we have the full screen. But we don’t have to
use this command anymore, so let’s close it by typing exit. And you can still resize your window the way you want But Off
course this full screen feature will only work for current cmd session.
5. How to copy stuff
on cmd
Unlike mac or linux terminal cmd do not have out of the box
support for copy and pasting but that quite important? for instance, Say you
want to copy command from a web page to
your cmd or sometimes you want to copy your command’s output
to a text file So how do we do that?
Well there 3 ways to copy stuff,
1> You have to enable quick edit, which is turn off by
To do that Right click on cmd's border and under option
select 'quick edit'.
Now you can copy stuff from outside and if you right click in the cmd, it will be pasted in the cmd. Similarly, to copy from within, highlight the text using your mouse and then while holding your mouse hit ctrl+c to copy the stuff on clipboard.
2> way to copy text is by using the clip command. like if
I want to copy the output of
ipconfig, without typing that on the screen then type
ipconfig | clip
and this will copy the output on the clipboard without putting anything on the screen.
3> and probably the best time saver method is to use the
pipe command For instance
Say I my friend ask me what movies I have so, I can quickly
give me list by going to my movie folder open cmd and type
dir > movies.txt
and this will save the name in the text file called movies
which I can mail him easily. Now, you this is just one practical example but you can use it to save logs of your commands. Overall, I used it less, but when I do, it save a lot time when needed. Well these were some time saving tips and tricks for cmd.
If you have any suggestions or want to ask question please comment below.
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