Is OTP is safe from Hackers 

OTP which means one time password which we enter in our phone during payment, or creating an account, when we get the message of OTP sometimes it is valid for 10min or 15min which is written in the OTP message like this is valid for 10min or 15min and in given time we have to enter the OTP in the OTP box. If we failed to do this we have again request for the new OTP.

Now a hackers can easily steal your Data via SMS Attack these services are available by many companies for a low cost

In day to day life we are seeing new changes in the technology but we are not taking care about privacy. Everybody want to make a social media account without knowing their privacy policy there are many apps which shows add and we get excited to download those apps without taking care of privacy. After downloading we create an account and we give all the permissions to apps and always we tap on allow they ask for gallery access, contact access, location access and many more things.

Once I have downloaded the calculator from the play store. When I open that app it was asking me to allow to access camera and location when I deny it application get closed after that I have deleted that app because calculator work is to calculate only not to take photos or to provide any location based service but many of us allow it without knowing why it is asking this. You may see a lot of companies’ message in your phone and in your mail too. Example one message came to me and it was written there that Lucky winner you have got 10 GB data free to get this please download this app and there was a link. So I thought wow getting 10 GB free is awesome deal and that message was from company so I clicked on that link after that it was opening the web Brower and started downloading the apk file. And the name of the apk file was Airtel. After seeing that I have canceled the download. You all were thinking why I do that, because I was a fake app. How I know it because if a companies is providing you any link it will open from Google Play Store.

We always fight between Android and IOS but in reality IOS is very safer than Android phones it doesn’t allow you to install any third party apps which may steal your data.

Now a days hackers are using a new tricks they are redirecting the sms bound for the user’s phone number to their system

And you know what hackers can also login to your WhatsApp Account

There is a report by Josepf Cox of Vice, the messages are redirecting by the hackers to get the otp from the users device and many other information by the sms attack. He also said that hackers can get easily access to your whatsapp account also.

Telecom Industry is the responsible for the attacks because of carelessness. By using the tool of sms attack, hackers can easily redirect the important text that contain OTP or login links of yours.


Joseph Cox, a Motherboard reporter was personally attacked and he was not even knowing about the attack on his mobile number.

In a report, he said,

“Looking down at my phone, there was no sign it had been hacked. I still had reception; the phone said I was still connected to the T-Mobile network. Nothing was unusual there. But the hacker had swiftly, stealthily, and largely effortlessly redirected my text messages to themselves. And all for just $16, .

 The main thing about the attack is hackers can easily get access by paying only 16$ in Indian currency when we will convert it will around ₹1,160. Companies which are providing these services in the case of Cox has said in the report that the attackers has been fixed but for a few others it has not been solved. Moreover, some of the companies know the attackers then also they are blaming to CTIA, the trade organization.

SMS redirecting attack is one more hacking activity added to the list. Already there are many attack which many of users are facing and now this

Now you must be thinking how we can be safe from this to there is a simple way not depend on SMS services. You must have an authenticator apps and for bank related OTP, remember you must have registered your email account to receive the OTP

And please share as much as you can and tell others how to be safe from SMS redirecting hack


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