5 HIDDEN Chrome Features on Android, You Must Know


5 HIDDEN Chrome Features on Android, You Must Know

All right so google chrome has been my choice of browser for the longest time ever I mean I’ve never really used any other browser especially on my android device as much as I have used google chrome it's the one browser everybody keeps coming back to and while I’m pretty sure that a lot of you guys also have been using chrome for the better part of your life online I’m sure a lot of you might not have ever heard of these Six hidden features that you can turn on your android device for a better and more pleasant experience. Today we're taking a look at Six awesome amazing hidden features that you should turn on your google chrome whenever you're using it on your android devise. Let’s get started


What are chrome flags?

All right so the features that we are going to be talking about on chrome are in the form of chrome flags now if you are not familiar with what chrome flags are very simply put these are experimental features that you can turn on your chrome settings which work across all devices whether it's windows your computer your laptop or your android or iOS phone but today we're taking a look at the ones that are really amazing to be used on your android devices. now do keep in mind that since these are experimental features they might cause a little bit of stutter or lag on your chrome and even cause it to crash sometimes but if you like tinkering around like me it's probably worth it depending upon the kind of things that you can do inside your chrome and more often than not they don't really crash now to install any of the Flags menus, type chrome: //flags into the address bar and hit Enter. 


Smooth scrolling

So the first one is called smooth scrolling and as the title suggests this aims to either reduce or completely remove any scrolling stutter or lag that you might face on your android device now to enable this all you have to do is go to the chrome flags and simply search for smooth scrolling as I said and enable it and of course, restart your chrome application you'll have to do this with every single flag that you install in order to start using the feature that you have enabled



Now moving on at number two we have an experimental QUICK protocol or the QUICK protocol now this is a protocol that basically aims at speeding up your browsing experience so pages will load faster in general chrome will just be faster than usual or what it was before now quick is Google’s own protocol that aims at making the web faster however do keep in mind that this only works with websites that are optimized to make full use of this protocol but then again something is better than nothing and if it does work then why not give it a shot definitely check it out


Reader mode

Moving on at number three we have reader mode and honestly this is a great flag if you want to read stuff on the internet however you don't want all of the distracting images the ads and basically, other elements that are not text now once you turn on this flag by again searching reader mode inside chrome flags, this basically removes all of these elements and keeps only text in the form of websites so it's great if you want to consume content especially read content so yeah this is something that you guys think you want definitely switch it on


Dark mode

Moving on at number four we have force dark mode and if you are a dark mode fanatic like I am and like the way it looks aesthetically as well as the amount of reduced strain that puts on your eyes you can turn on forced dark mode now some websites on the internet do support dark mode but if you want all your websites basically any website you open on chrome on your phone to be in dark mode all the time turn this on and it's going to force dark mode on every single website


Parallel downloading

At number five we have Parallel downloaded I  know the feeling when you're downloading large files especially on your phone using chrome the amount of time that it takes is a very long time even if you have a pretty good internet connection now what parallel downloading does is basically break down the file that you are downloading into multiple files that are downloaded simultaneously at the same time so that it can get greater speeds and also download the file quicker of course once the file is finished downloading it puts it back into one normal file and you can use it like a normal downloaded file.

Tab Groups


All right with that said last but definitely not the least we have Tab Groups to keep your Google Chrome browser clean and well maintained, you can use the Tab Groups flag. While doing research or searching for something, we often tend to leave a large number of tabs open and end up getting confused as to which ones we need and which ones we don’t. Enabling Tab Groups in Chrome flags helps you to group the tabs you want and separate them from the ones you don’t want.



With that said these are six amazing chrome flags which are hidden features that I think you guys should definitely use in case you guys are also using chrome as your daily, you know browser of choice on your android phone. And tell me which is your favorite chrome flags in the comment section







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