Useful Websites Everyone Should Know in 2021

Useful Websites Everyone Should Know in 2021

Hey Guys, the internet is a huge place with billions of websites separating out the useful from the needless can be difficult so coming up in the super-sized edition in our useful website series I’ll be showing you websites in a variety of categories we think are the most useful all of which are bookmark worthy to make your online life easier


Privnote: Send Notes That Self-Destruct

Let’s get started first up is privnote for those times you need to send confidential information to a co-worker, family member or friends the site lets you create notes that will automatically self-destruct after being read by the recipient. Here’s how it works

In the yellow box write your note when finished click on create note then just copy and paste the link into your email or instant messenger



Down for Everyone orJust Me: Check If a Website is down

If you ever encounter a website that won't load it could be that the website is having an issue or the problem could be on your end on the site down for everyone or just me enter the website URL that you're having issues with in this case let's go hit enter or click the blue button on the right if the site is working fine you'll get the message it's just you and the site you entered is up

You can see here “It's just you. is up, except for Donald Trump.”


Pixlr: Free Photo Editor

If you want to edit pictures online for free without having to download or learn a program like Photoshop or pixlr just might be what you're looking for it now comes in two flavors pixlr x and pixlr E

pixlr x includes the absolute basics to crop resize and includes filters and effects

pixlr E is for those of you that require more advanced tools


Namechk: Username, and Domain Search

With most of the world's population online it can be difficult to come up with an original username or web domain that isn't already taken on namecheck it will let you know the name you're thinking of is available for dozens of web domains social platforms and other websites let's try one out here see if we can use it those that are green are still available it shows this one is available for most domains let's scroll down to the username section as you can see here it's still available for more than a couple dozen sites


Have I Been Pwned: Check If Account Has Been Compromised

With all of the data breaches over the past several years odds are likely that you've had your data compromised on have I been pwned to find out if your accounts have been compromised enter your email address in this example this account has been pwned on 1 sites when you scroll down you can find the sites that had breaches compromising your data this would be a good time to change your login password for your email and each site listed


CleanPNG: Free HD PNG Images

When you need a free transparent image for your website brochure or anything else cleanpng has millions on their site with no backgrounds for you to choose from all are free and no account is required with unlimited downloads and more than 50000 categories


Instructables: Do-It-Yourself Projects

If you're the crafty type instructables is for you with various categories to choose from including workshop, cooking outside, circuits and many others examples of projects you could make include this Viking batman mashup costume or you could build your very own CNC plasma cutting system



Fast: Internet Speed Test

If you no longer trust the internet speed test sites that have associations with the internet providers which many people see is a major conflict fast is for you it was created by Netflix with the goal of keeping internet service providers honest with the speeds they promise unlike some of the other speed test sites fast also has a clean and simple interface with no ads


Screenshot Guru: Online Screen Capture

If you want to capture a high resolution image of an entire webpage not just the portion that's visible check out screenshot guru in the empty box enter the entire URL of the page you'd like to capture do the captcha I’m not a robot thing then select screen capture when it's done right click on the image and select save image as to save it where you wanted



AlternativeTo: Find Software Alternatives

AlternativeTo is one of our favourites when looking for alternatives to popular software just enter the name of the program in the search box let's go with Photoshop and select it below the description in the alternatives tab there are 209 listed you'll find some here that are free with additional information about each program


Pixabay: Free Images to Use Anywhere

Pixabay is a fantastic resource for creatives with more than a million and a half royalty-free images, illustrations, vector graphics, videos and music in their collection all content on their site can be used for free for both commercial and non-commercial use with no attribution required


ManualsLib: Find Manuals Online

If you're like me and have misplaced or accidentally thrown out the manuals to some of the products you own manuals lib can be a life saver it's completely free with more than 4 million manuals in their database the easiest way to find a manual is to get the model number and enter it into the search box. Select your product from the drop-down list you'll now see various guides and manuals included with that product. Click on the one you need in addition to viewing it on their site you have additional choices at the top including the option to download it to your computer


HowLongToBeat: Video Game Lengths

Whether you have a busy schedule or extra free time the amount of time you commit on playing a video game might be based on those two factors howlongtobeat will let you know how long it will take to complete a video game based on your play style here at the top do a search for your game let's go with GTA V. Click into it this page will give you all the glorious details regarding the length of time to complete that game



TV Chart: TV Show Ratings Graph

Have you ever invested time watching a TV series to realize after finishing the last season that you wish you'd not wasted your time watching it to begin with TV chart can help let's do a quick search let's go with WestWorld and select it displaying a graph for each episode you can see that it began to take a nosedive in season 3 and completely fell off the cliff in its final episode hopefully with WestWorld being renewed they can make up for that terrible finale


SuperCook: Recipes by Ingredient

On a lighter note supercook is useful for those times you're stuck at home due to a hurricane or too lazy to go to the grocery store it helps you to find recipes for the ingredients you already have in your fridge or pantry on the left choose your ingredients from the various categories on the right you'll now see recipes using the ingredients you selected


PDF Escape: Free PDF Editor and Form Filler

If you don't want to pay for adobe acrobat pro and you want to edit pdf files the PDF Escape free online editor might be able to help it includes many tools for free including the ability to create a new form and you can even fill it out without the need to print it out first 

Statista: Statistics Portal

If you love looking at statistics in other words if you're a stat nerd Statista is where you can find factual numbers on just about any topic we'll do a basic search go with web browser and select it on the next page you'll have so many links with data on this topic it just might blow your mind while some of the data is free to access most will require that you have a paid account


You’re Getting Old: To see something interesting

Now for the bonus website you're getting old the facts presented after filling in the form might be too shocking regarding the time passed since you were born. This page will show your age, number of days old, and two people equal to your age continue on down the page for more exciting facts



 Notes :- 

If you know the useful site not mentioned let us know about it in the comment section





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